Author Archives: Michelle Woodvine

About Michelle Woodvine


Malted Milk Pancakes!

pancakesHello again, bunnies! Since I’m sure we’re all crawling out of bed very early to watch hockey (well, the Canadians and Swedes, anyway), here’s some breakfast inspiration from the lovely website The Naptime Chef! The malted milk powder (Horlicks or Ovaltine) makes them extra yummy. We keep a jar of the pancake mix in the pantry so that it’s a snap to toss them together on a lazy morning! Enjoy with or without carrots 😉

Malted Milk Pancakes!


Good evening bunnies and welcome to my blog! I hope you’ll visit from time to time and read about our continuing adventures as we muddle our way through parenting little bunnies in the big city. You will find the blue bunnies to be a rather sarcastic bunch, but we have big hearts, love a good laugh and we sport a healthy respect for hubris.

Mama Bunny spends an inordinate amount of time baking, knitting, reading and keeping tabs on the entertainment industry-in amongst all the parenting-so there might be some blogs on that stuff as well.

So that’s it for now-a rather short post to be starting off with. It’s time to get the little bunnies in bed, but they’re pretty hyper after an exciting time watching The Lego Movie this afternoon, followed by dinner at one of our local sushi restaurants. Cucumbers aren’t carrots, but the bunnies like them!

Catch you all tomorrow as we watch the Gold Medal Men’s Hockey Game and perhaps chat some more about The Lego Movie. Nighty night, bunnies!